LEGO Disney Series 1 Mickey Mouse Minifigure


The LEGO Disney Mickey Mouse Minifigure is new, and fully assembled.   He comes with a black base plate.  Originally these minifigures came in sealed blind bags  You didn’t know which one of the 20 different kinds you would get.  To ensure you get the minifigure you want, the bags are opened and the minifigure is checked and assembled.  No bag or instructions are provided.

 Verified 100% original.


Light Flesh Minifigure, Head Modified Mouse with Black Ears and Nose and White Eyes Pattern (Mickey)


White Hips and Legs with Ruffles, Black Lower Legs and Dark Pink Feet Pattern (Minnie)


Red Hips and Legs with 2 White Buttons, Black Lower Legs and Yellow Feet Pattern (Mickey)

Out of stock


This Mickey Mouse Minifigure, from the LEGO Disney Series 1 group is a total classic.  Black shirt, red pants with the two large white buttons, white gloves, black shoes with a yellow toe, and the big black mouse ears on top.


Mickey Mouse from the LEGO Disney Series 1 appears in these sets:

71012 The LEGO Disney Series 1 CMF (Complete Series of 18 Complete Minifigure Sets) (2016)


Mickey Mouse has been in over 130 films.  He is a cheerful, happy and popular lead character of the Walt Disney Empire.  He has achieved pop-icon status and is one of the most recognized figures in the world.  Minnie Mouse is his girlfriend.


  • Mickey is 2 feet 3 inches tall and weights 23 pounds (which as a kid would make him 1-2 years old)
  • Mickey Mouse Has a Hollywood star on the walk of fame.
  • Is claimed to be the true alter ego of Walt Disney

Additional information

Weight 0.12 oz
Dimensions .5 × .75 × 1.5 in





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