I’M beyond excited that LEGO is releasing another Chinese style set – this one is 80105 Temple Fair, which goes along with the New Year Lion Dance also being released early in 2020. This goes along with the Dragon Boat Set was released in the United States which I have, but I’m still missing the New Year’s Dinner and the Lion Dance.
I found this video on YouTube but it isn’t on the official LEGO channel so let’s see what happens with it. LEGO did include a video in their press release which is what this one is, so instead of duplicating content I’ll just post his video.

LEGO 80105 Chinese Temple Fair Release Date
According to everything I can find about this set, the Lion Dance LEGO set will be released on Jan 10 2020 in the US. Rumors say that it is coming out before then in Asia, but since I’m not there, I will have to wait. I don’t know if it will be released to regular stores, or only at the LEGO store first, but I have a strong suspicion that only LEGO stores will have this first.
I’ve also been able to find the LEGO designer video for the maker of the new 2020 Chinese sets, so please enjoy!
LEGO 80105 Chinese Temple Fair Minifigures
These sets always have a lot of minifigures, which as you know I absolutely love. By my count there are a whopping 14 Chinese minifigures in this set, including the family we are so familiar with, and a very cool new baby minifigure that is just too cute.
Some of the characters have dual faces, I really like all the different expressions that everyone has, as well as the multi colored printing on all the minifigure torso and leg pieces. There is a good mix of different ages and generations including both traditional New Year costumes and more contemporary casual clothing. I even see a golden nanofig that’s part of this set.

LEGO 80105 Chinese Temple Fair piece count
Since we now have authentic LEGO artwork from their servers we know the total piece count is 1664. When you combine that with all the minifigures I think this is a great deal.
LEGO 80105 Chinese Temple Fair Review
Coming soon! As soon as I have this cute little LEGO set in my hands, I’ll share it with you and update this post.

All these images were obtained from the official LEGO press release for this set. When the sets become available, I’ll swap these out with my own original pictures, of course.
Be sure to follow me on Instagram and Pinterest and if you want to be updated when I review this set subscribe to my site.