Walt Disney called Donald Duck a “problem child” among all the other characters. In the Lego Disney Series 1 Minifigures, I would hardly call Donald Duck that. He is well designed, authentic looking, and you can’t tell that he is angry or mean at all.
Donald Duck from the LEGO Disney Series 1 appears in these sets:
- 71012 The LEGO Disney Series 1 CMF (Complete Series of 18 Complete Minifigure Sets) (2016)
Donald Duck has been in the most movies of any other Disney Character. He never wears pants. His full name is Donald Fauntleroy Duck. On screen he is known for an explosive temper, and being quite arrogant, but in the LEGO world he is nothing but kind and softhearted.
- Donald Duck’s Birthday is June 9, 1934
- Mickey Mouse is her best friend.
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