The LEGO Movie 2 Minifigure Apocalypseburg Abe


The LEGO Movie 2 Apocalypseburg Abe is new, and fully assembled.   He comes with a white base plate, and an axe.    Originally these minifigures came in sealed blind bags  You didn’t know which one of the 20 different kinds you would get.  To ensure you get the minifigure you want, the bags are opened and the minifigure is checked and assembled.  No bag or instructions are provided.

 Verified 100% original.


Yellow Minifigure, Head Dual Sided, Black Thick Eyebrows, Medium Dark Flesh Brow Furrows and Cheek Lines, Surprised / Angry Pattern – Hollow Stud


Dark Brown Torso Vest, Dark Bluish Gray Shirt, Silver Minifig Skull Pattern / Dark Bluish Gray Arms with Dark Brown and Silver Cuffs Pattern / Dark Brown Hands


Dark Brown Minifigure, Headgear Hat, Top Hat Large with Black Beard and Band with Goggles Pattern


Black Hips and Legs with Red Sash, Dark Bluish Gray Kneepads, Silver Skull on Left Knee Pattern

I’m passionate about Minifigs.  I only sell original LEGO minifigures that have been obtained new by me in original boxes, or from reputable sources.  Each minifigure is assembled, and bagged separately.

If you are looking for a specific minifigure, please contact me and I’ll see what I can do to help you out.

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1 in stock


Apocalypseburg Abe was introduced in the first LEGO Movie.  He is one of the Master Builders that we meet in cloud Cuckoo Land.  He also has a flying rocket chair.


Apocalypseburg Abe from the LEGO Movie 2 appears in these sets:

71023 The LEGO Movie 2 (Complete Series of 20 Complete Minifigure Sets) (2019)


Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States.  His most famous was only 272 words and is known as the Gettysburg address.  He was the president during the Civil War, and helped end slavery and strengthened the American Government and modernized the economy.

Apocalypseburg Abe is a Master  Builder who helped fight against Lord Business in the first LEGO movie.


  • Quote: “A house divided against itself… would be better than this!”
  • Will Forte is the voice of Abraham Lincoln in the LEGO movies.

Official LEGO Part Number: coltlm2-13

Additional information

Weight .1 oz
Dimensions .63 × 1.5 in
Year Released





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